This is the archived online presence of the
"Altonaer Stiftung für philosophische Grundlagenforschung"
Since the 08 June 2023 the foundation has a new board of directors

The new website

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Deutsche Version

We mourn the loss of our board member

Valerie Kerruish
* 26.11.1943   † 12.06.2022

The Altonaer Stiftung für philosophische Grundlagenforschung (Altona Foundation for Philosophical Research) was an independent foundation with legal capacity under the German Civil Code. It was established on May 26, 2004 and has its seat in Hamburg, Germany.

The purpose of the Stiftung was to stimulate and support interdisciplinary research and theory concerned with Dialectic in Logic, Epistemology, Mathematics, Metaphysics, Applied Ethics and Law.

The Stiftung pursued its work independent of state, church or corporate interests.

The Foundation was situated in Altona Altstadt
